Fear Not the Path of Truth from Ross Caputi on Vimeo.
Fear Not the Path of Truth: A veteran's journey after Fallujah follows Ross Caputi, veteran of the 2nd siege of Fallujah and Director of the Justice For Fallujah Project, as he investigates the atrocities that he was a part of and the legacy of US foreign policy in Fallujah.
This documentary includes original interviews with:
Amir Alani: Fallujah native and sociologist by profession.
Feurat Alani: son of Amir, and journalist by profession. Mr. Alani is a journalist with Baozi Prod. In 2011 he produced an award-winning investigative documentary about the current public health crisis in Fallujah, "Fallujah: a lost generation?".
Dr. Intisar Ariabi: formerly the head Pharmacist of the Yarmouk Teaching Hospital in Baghdad, and currently a Director at The Cancer and Birth Defects Foundation. Dr. Ariabi is also a co-author of the very important study Cancer, Infant Mortality and the Birth Sex-Ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005-2009.
Dr. Muhamad Al Darraji: Biologist by profession, and formerly a member of the Fallujah City Council in 2004. Dr. Al Darraji has worked extensively with the UN Human Rights Council to address the human rights violations committed against Fallujah. He is the author of several publications, including "Testimonies of Crimes Against Humanity in Fallujah". And he is the Director of the Monitoring Net of Human Rights in Iraq and the Conservation Center of Environment and Reserves in Fallujah.
Dirk Adriaensens: Criminologist, writer and activist. He is also an Executive Committee member of the BRussells Tribunal. Between 1992 and 2003 he led several delegations to Iraq. He was a member of the International Organizing Committee of the World Tribunal on Iraq (2003-2005), and he is the co-author of several books and articles for numerous newssites.
Professor Kathreen Malley-Morrison: Professor of Psychology at Boston University. She is well known in the new field of Peace Psychology. She also runs the blog Engaging Peace. Check out her posts on "moral disengagement" and consider this theory's application to the atrocities committed against Fallujah.
Paul Atwood: Senior Lecture in American Studies and is a Research Associate at the William Joiner Center for the Study of War and Social Consequences at UMass Boston. For over twenty years Paul Atwood has been teaching courses on American wars of the twentieth century, with emphasis upon the social, politcal, and economic consequences to the United States and the even more bitter costs to those nations on the recieving end of American firepower. He is the author of War and Empire: The American way of life.
Sohail Hashmi: Professor Hashmi is a Professor of International Relations, whose research focuses on the ethics of war, especially on the tradition of jihad. Our interview focused on the tendency of the War On Terror to conflate insurgents, jihadists, and terrorists into a single category of "enemy". We discussed in depth how such a dangerous conflation may have contributed to the bloodshed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Noam Chomsky: Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at MIT, reknowned author, political analyst, and activist. Professor Chomsky has worked with us in the past. See the previous talk he gave on Fallujah here. Our interview for this documentary focused on the issue of war crimes committed against Fallujah.